
Trillium Chinese medicine is here to

  • help you to reclaim your innate healing power
  • offer you alternative solutions for your health and wellness
  • offers you long-term solutions, not short-term management of symptoms
  • encourage you to own your life
  • be in your journey together to achieve your goal.
Yumi explains what stress does to your body!

Trillium Chinese Medicine in-person treatments is AVAILABLE, and ONLINE herbal consultation is available and you can pick your herbs or I can ship them.

ONLINE consultation for a herbal prescription is available. Initial consultation is $90. If I have seen you in a private consultation and have a full chart, the distance consultation for follow up is $55. I can prepare the herbs for pick up from Nature’s Vibe store. You can pay me through E-transfer.

Please email me at info@trilliumchinesemedicine.com for distance herbal consultation.

Trillium Chinese Medicine serves people.

When you realize that you are a part of the Universe, Chinese Medicine makes so much sense.

It is natural and Authentic.

Chinese Medicine follow the most fundamental law of Universe, Yin, Yang and Dao. The treatment methods also follow this principle. My practice follows the classical and authentic lineage. It is as natural as possible because the answer always is in the nature.

It is Sustainable.

At Trillium Chinese Medicine, sustainability is priority. The less people uses chemically produced synthetic drugs, it is better for the environment. The classical approach using raw herbs is also much more sustainable way to practice.

It is practical and Effective.

Chinese Medicine is extremely practical and effective. It can take pains away instantly, it can improve your organ performances so your body will heal itself, and it can leave amazing effects in treating disturbance of one’s mind and emotion. It aims to treat the root cause so you can actually get better. It is not short-term management, it is a long-term solution to your problems.

When you realize that you are a part of the nature, Chinese medicine makes so much sense.

Yumi Ridsdale, Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist

Yumi Ridsdale is licensed and registered Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbal Medicine practitioner. She is truly passionate about the art of medicine, and sincerely believes that this can bring people much better quality of life.

Her special interest is Classical Herbal Medicine. She uses Zhang Zhong Jing’s teaching and belongs to the direct lineage from ancient to an Imperial doctor Wang Xiang Zheng 王祥徵, Dr. Hu Shi Shu 胡希恕, Dr. Feng Shi Lun 冯世纶, and her direct teacher Dr. Suzanne Robidoux.

She also enjoys using massage, moxibustion, cupping and other modalities to bring her patients as asymptomatic as possible.


Trillium Chinese Medicine is a Chinese Medicine clinic that offers Acupuncture, Herbs, Massage, Moxibustion, Cupping and many other related modalities to achieve the best health that one can enjoy.

Get in Touch

Reach out so we can work together to treat any discomfort you have.

Opening Hours

9:00 am – 5:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm